Bjorn Stuedal Jon Brook LSWPP ASITTP Nikos Arvanitidis Steve Allen FSINWP FSICIP FSITTP FBPPA Grand Master Terry Donnelly FSWPP

Dave Stanbury The Society of International Media & Press Photographers, a professional society that promotes the highest standards in photojournalism.

The SIMPP welcomes into membership photographers who engage in press, news and the media photography.

On offer is a range of benefits of membership that will inspire members with their photographic skills, which include our leading magazine Professional Imagemaker, member’s forum, mentoring...

Photography is a very competitive occupation. There are about 25,000 professional photographers in the UK and most are self-employed. It is therefore essential that photographers are easily accessible and by being a member of SIMPP and the advanced structure of the website, ensures that potential clients will find the service which they require.

The Society of International Media & Press Photographers offers an accreditation programme through its recognised qualifications and distinctions, with help and guidance being given through the comprehensive mentoring service.

Members can enter the Monthly Image Competition free of charge with valuable prizes being awarded at The Societies' annual Convention.

Special educational events for members include seminars on lighting, post-production and business as well as Europe's largest all-welcome photographic convention

Want to find out more? Request a free information pack today.

Photo Webinars


Take your photography to the next level with our exclusive webinars. From building your photo business, making the most out of your social media profiles, learning new lighting techniques to colour management. We have a webinar to help you develop your skills.

Photographic Mentoring


Feedback on your work can be insightful and help move your photography on to the next level. Our mentoring team will give you advice that you can implement in to your media and press photography that will ultimately help you improve your craft.

Find out how we can help improve your photography

Network with photographers


If you want to talk photography with fellow photographers, then there is no better place than The Society of Photographers' Photography Forum.

Chat, socialise and keep up to speed with the latest business and photographic trends in the privacy of a members' only forum.

Photographer of the Year


Compete with fellow photographers and benefit from seeing your work standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the world's greatest images. We run competitions in many genres from Press and PR, Sport right through to macro and close-up Environmental Awareness.

London Photo Convention


The Society Convention is set to become the most memorable gathering of worldwide professional photography with a stunning array of speakers from all over the world and over 200 of the most influential companies.

Qualifications for photographers


The SIMPP has a number of levels of qualifications/distinctions, which are awarded: Licentiate, Associate and Fellowship

Canon PIXMA PRO-200 Printer - Vibrant Colour Printing

Corporate Partners

Aaduki Photographic Insurance Loxley Colour - Professional Photo Printing Services PermaJet - The Inkjet Paper and Canvas Specialists The London Photography & Video Show Elinchrom Studio & Portable Lighting MPB


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